STRONG cyclone separators are used for cleaning air contaminated with dry dust with a particle size above 5μm. Dust is separated by centrifugal force and is collected in a polyethylene bag placed underneath the separator. For coarse dusts, the STRONG separator can be the final filtration stage. For smaller size dust particles, it serves as a pre-filter, where additional filters (of similar volume flow) should be added afterwards. The dust separating efficiency range is 95-99%. STRONG separators are manufactured in a version with a fan (STRONG-1000, STRONG-2000, STRONG-5000) or without a fan (STRONG-1000 Soft, STRONG-2000 Soft, STRONG-5000 Soft). In the Soft version, the specific flow resistance of the cyclone separator must be accomodated by the fan in the final filtering unit.
Please see data sheet below for exact duties and accessories.