The recycling of dry materials other than paper based products increases
all of the time, and plastic waste recycling using air handling systems
is proving to be a very efficient method. Contamination of plastic waste
can very often be detrimental to the recycling process, and the airtight
environment of an air driven waste system suits this pre-requisite
Paramount has installed a number of plastic waste extraction systems in
both the UK and abroad
Paramount air systems are ideally suited to high speed edge and
intermediate trim waste in continuous form from "blown film" production
lines conveying directly into reprocessing machines. The reclaimed
granulated material can then be extruded for re-use on the 'blown film'
lines. The critical elements to deal with are ensuring that sufficient
air suction and velocity is achieved at the trim collection inlet to
maintain unity with the trim speed of over 200 metres per minute from
the web. Obviously conventional waste conveying fans are very unsuitable
for this operation, so we use a system incorporating custom designed
Venturi units powered by high powered centrifugal fans, providing the
very high velocity and suction required to achieve the reliable
performance at the inlet point.
Anti-static solutions can be installed in any part of the system.